

Zoom at Western

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Microsoft OneDrive


OneDrive is available to all faculty, staff, and students through Western's Office 365 Microsoft Campus Agreement. OneDrive is an online storage solution in the Microsoft cloud where you can save, store, sync, and share files with the tools you use every day to create, communicate, and collaborate from your PC/Mac or your iOS®, Android™, or Windows device. Files can be created and modified with version tracking and file collaboration.

  • All staff have access to 1TB of storage via OneDrive
  • OneDrive storage is secure and easily shared between staff
  • Consider moving files from shared network drives to OneDrive so you do not need to use ROAMS

Here is a link to get you started with OneDrive

WTS Microsoft OneDrive

Microsoft Office 365

Just getting starting with Microsoft Office 365? 

Please visit the link bellow to get you started

WTS Microsoft Office 365 & tools

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

Artificial Intelligence(AI)

ChatGPT in the office

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, specifically GPT-3.5. The "GPT" part of its name stands for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer."

GPT-3.5 is one of the most advanced language models, designed to understand and generate human-like text. It is trained on a massive amount of data from the internet and various sources, which allows it to exhibit a broad range of language capabilities, including answering questions, providing explanations, generating creative texts, translating languages, and even engaging in conversation.

ChatGPT's ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses makes it well-suited for a wide range of natural language processing tasks, including chatbots, virtual assistants, content creation, and more. It has been widely used in various applications to enhance user experiences and automate language-based tasks.

AI is an evolving field, that we are aware that staff are already utilizing this robust capability and this training is intended to educate and inform to ensure wise and safe use.

How can I use ChatGPT?

    1. Research and Information Retrieval: ChatGPT can quickly find and summarize information from various sources, making it a valuable tool for research tasks. You can ask it questions related to market trends, industry news, competitor analysis, or any other information you need for your work.
    2. Content Generation: Whether it's writing reports, creating marketing materials, meeting minutes and agendas or drafting emails, ChatGPT can help generate content efficiently. It can provide drafts for different types of documents, saving you time and creative effort.
    3. Answering FAQs: If your office receives a lot of repetitive inquiries or support tickets, you can use ChatGPT to create a chatbot that can handle common FAQs, freeing up your team's time for more complex tasks.
    4. Language Translation: If your office deals with international clients or partners, ChatGPT can assist in translating text between languages, helping bridge communication gaps.
    5. Brainstorming and Idea Generation: When you're stuck on a problem or need fresh ideas, ChatGPT can be a helpful brainstorming partner. Provide it with a prompt, and it can offer different perspectives and potential solutions.
    6. Task Automation: By integrating ChatGPT with your existing systems, you can automate certain repetitive tasks, such as data entry or scheduling, making your workflow more efficient.

Personal Assistant: ChatGPT can act as a virtual assistant, helping you manage your calendar, set reminders, or provide you with relevant information throughout the day.

Is it safe to use ChatGPT?

  1. Data Privacy and Security: When using ChatGPT, you might need to provide data in the form of prompts or conversations to interact with the model. Be cautious about sharing sensitive or confidential information, as there is a risk that such data could be retained and used by the model's creators (e.g., OpenAI) in accordance with their data usage policies.
  2. Bias and Ethical Concerns: Language models like ChatGPT are trained on vast amounts of internet data, which can include biased and harmful content. As a result, the model might exhibit biased behavior or generate inappropriate responses. Efforts have been made to reduce bias, but it remains a challenge to completely eliminate it.
  3. Verification of Information: ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns in the data it has been trained on. While it can provide useful information, it might not always provide accurate or reliable answers. Always verify critical information from reliable sources, especially in professional or sensitive contexts.
  4. Phishing and Misinformation: Be cautious about using ChatGPT for tasks involving authentication or financial transactions, as it could potentially be exploited to generate phishing attempts or spread misinformation.
  5. Terms of Service and Compliance: When using ChatGPT through APIs or third-party platforms, make sure to review and comply with the terms of service and usage policies provided by the service provider.
  6. Limitations in Understanding Context: ChatGPT lacks real-world understanding and common sense reasoning. It might produce plausible-sounding responses that are technically incorrect or nonsensical, especially if the input is ambiguous or lacks context.
  7. User Guidelines and Moderation: When deploying ChatGPT in public-facing applications, consider implementing moderation systems to ensure inappropriate content is filtered or flagged.

Sample GPT commands

Here are some examples and prompts to try. At the asterisks **insert notes**, you would drop your notes. For now, your notes are largely text you copy and paste over or type in.

  1. "Can you summarize a meeting on **[topic of meeting]** by highlighting the key takeaways? The notes of the meeting: **[insert notes]**"
  2. "Can you summarize the objectives discussed in a meeting and the action items decided? The notes of the meeting: **[insert notes]**"
  3. "Can you summarize the decisions made during a meeting about **[insert specific issue]** and the next steps outlined? The notes of the meeting: **[insert notes]**"
  4. "Can you summarize the progress update given in a meeting on **[insert project/task]** and the future plans discussed? The notes of the meeting: [insert notes]"
  5. "Can you summarize the key points raised during a **[team/department/etc.]** meeting and the solutions proposed? The notes of the meeting: **[insert notes]**"
  6. "Create a meeting agenda using this summary, outline, and action items **[insert notes]**”
  7. "create meeting minutes identifying speakers"

Relevant Links

Microsoft - Using ChatGPT for creating meeting agendas, minutes, and notes

Linkedin - Use ChatGPT for tasks like summarizing meeting notes and formatting

How To Use ChatGPT For Meetings?

ChatGPT Splitter,  This tool allows you to easily upload multiple files and have them automatically split into multiple chunks, which you can load to ChatGPT.

ChatGPT – Being an informed AI user

ChatGPT – Being an informed AI user

1. Bias

ChatGPT has "shortcomings around bias Without the oversight of a trained user, ChatGPT and other chatbots may provide responses that perpetuate racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination.

There are several potential reasons for this. First, AI algorithms are built by humans and materials that are available online who have biases of their own, and they pull from resources that may be biased. Also, AI uses heuristics, which are short cuts made to solve problems quickly. We (humans) also create heuristics, and they happen to be one of the primary drivers of unconscious bias.

Safeguards Against Chatbot Bias

  • Ensure that all employees understand what bias is and how to identify it.
  • Independently audit chatbot responses for bias.

2. Inaccuracy

Not everything that generative AI technology(Chatbot) produces is correct. The problem with inaccuracies isn't just that they're incorrect. There is also no way of knowing what is correct and what isn't. Unfortunately, chatbots don't explain how they came up with their responses. In the AI industry, this is called the "black box" of the AI system. The black box represents the AI's decision-making processes that we don't quite understand.

Safeguards Against Inaccuracies

  • Thoroughly research the chatbot's capabilities and best uses.
  • Set clear parameters for what types of tasks chatbots can be used for.
  • Ensure that chatbots are maintained through employee monitoring.
  • Require that chatbot outputs be independently verified.
  • Prohibit the use of chatbots for advanced research and compliance questions.

3. Cybersecurity, Privacy, Confidentiality and Professional Ethics

Chatbots have coding capabilities that may attract hackers who want to enhance their phishing attempts and malware. If a chatbot is hacked on an employer's website, it can lead to large security breaches and liability for the employers.

Also, be aware that chatbots are not privacy friendly. For example, ChatGPT's privacy policy specifically states that ChatGPT collects personal information, including your name, contact information, content included in queries, your location and IP address, among other information. That information may be provided to third parties.

while ChatGPT states they do not share information; it is important to treat it like any other public facing entity and strictly do not provide private information or information that could have reputational impact to Western.

As knowledge workers we are expected to create insightful content that passed our intellectual rigour based on experience and education. ChatGPT content should be reviewed thoroughly and critically; ultimately, we are accountable and are the own the outcomes.

Safeguards for Cyber Security and Employee Privacy

  • Never input confidential information(personal identifiable information (PII) or personal health information (PHI)) into an AI tool such as ChatGPT. All content entered may become part of the tool’s dataset and may inadvertently resurface in response to other prompts.
  • Consult with the company IT team to ensure leading practices are followed.
  • Thoroughly research chatbots before choosing one to ensure it is reputable and uses high-quality data.
  • Implement encryption, authentication, and other security systems to prevent the chatbot from being misused.
  • It is important to treat it like any other public facing entity and strictly do not provide private information or information that could have reputational impact to Western.

4. User Error

Many of us may not know how to use a chatbot. Employers must recognize that chatbots are unlike anything we have ever seen before, and they require up-skilling. We will need to understand how these new tools work, what their limitations are, and how to audit and maintain them.

Safeguards Against User Error

  • As a user, learn how chatbots work, AI ethics, and relevant policies.