Facilities Management - Smart Phones

Depending on your role and responsibilities within Facilities Management, you may be issued a cell phone. FM currently deploys iPhones and Androids. We subscribe to cellular services from Bell.

This site provides information to help you better understand how to use your cell phone, what services are included with the phone, and how to avoid excessive usage charges. For a hard copy, printable version, please click on this link WelcomeToYourCellPhone.pdf

If you are having trouble finding the help you need, please email fmts@westernu.atlassian.net
Getting Help and Frequently asked questions How to identify my type of phone and carrier Glossary of Cell Phone Terms
What is included in a BELL plan What happens if I go over my plan quota?
Managing data usage on on iPhone Managing data usage on an Android phone
Western AlertU emergency notification app Other recommended apps Cell phone Acceptable Use Policy