Manage Data Usage on an Android

The following steps show how to change the settings on your Android to reduce data usage. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself, please contact for assistance.


Roaming allows you to use your cell phone outside of Canada. Usage charges can be very high unless you have a Travel Plan specific for the country you are visiting. We highly recommend that Roaming be turned off by default, even if you have a ‘Flex Travel Plan’ on the phone. Only turn Roaming on when you need to use it, and you know that you have arranged for a Travel Plan.

iPhone Data Roaming Configuration

1. Tap Settings

2. Tap Connections

3. Tap Mobile Networks.

4. Toggle the button to disable Data Roaming

Tap settings on your  Android Phone Tap Connections on the Android iPhone Tap Mobile Networks Android Turn Data Roaming Off


WiFi Assist

If Wi-Fi connectivity is poor, Wi-Fi Assist uses cellular data to boost the signal. We highly recommend turning this off. It rarely makes a noticeable difference in speed, and it can quickly use up your data.

Turn off WiFi Assist

1. Tap Settings

2. Tap Connections

3. Tap WiFi

4. Tap the three dots (ellipsis), then Advanced.

5. Toggle the button to disable Switch to mobile data.

Android Tap Settings Android Tap Connections Android Tap WiFi Android Tap WiFi Advanced Android disable Mobile Data

Apps allowed to use Cell Data

You can further control your data usage by specifically selecting which of your installed apps are allowed to use ‘Cellular Data’. While a single app may only use a little data, when you look at all of the apps, it adds up. You choose which apps you allow to use data. Just be aware that some apps (like ‘Facebook’) can use a lot of data in a hurry. Often, they will download embedded graphics and videos, even if you do not look at them.

Turn off App that should not use data

1. Tap Settings

2. Tap Connections

3. Tap Data Usage.

Android Tap Settings Android Tap Connections

Tap Android Data Usage

 4. Tap Data Saver 5. Tap Allow app while Data saver on.

6. Choose the apps you’d like to allow to use data when not on Wifi. In the example below, only the ‘Weather Network’ will use Cellular data.

Android Turn on Data Saver Android select Allow App while Data Saver On

Android Select data saver apps



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