Remote Desktop to Connect to Another Computer

When you have connected to the Western network from home using WROAMS, or are logged into a computer in a meeting room on Campus, you can use the Remote Desktop app to connect to your desktop PC.

To start up Remote Desktop Connection app:

Click on the Windows button.

Type: ‘Remote Desktop’.

Click on ‘Remote Desktop Connection’


Remote Desktop Open App

Type in the IP address of your work computer.

Click ‘Connect’

Remote Desktop Enter IP Address

 NOTE: While using RDP (Remote Desktop Connection), at any time, you can move your mouse to the top of the screen and either minimize or move the RDP window so that you can use your local computer.

When you are finished, sign off of the remote computer.

*** NEVER Shut Down your remote computer or put it to Sleep ***
Always LOG OFF of your remote computer.
Never hit the ‘X’ in the top right of the RDP window to close the remote session.

On the remote computer:

Click on the Windows button.

Click on the Account button (looks like a head).

Click on 'Sign Out'


Remote Desktop Sign Out

Next Steps

When you are all done, do not forget to Disconnect!

Request Permission    Pulse Secure    Quick Connect    Network Drives    Remote Desktop    Disconnect